September 2023: Umbrella agreement with DIN renewed

Logo of DIN. e. V. - Standard translations

Since 2016, we have been translating international and European standards for Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN e.V.). We are pleased that the umbrella agreement has been extended for another year, until December 2024. We would like to thank DIN for the trust they have placed in our work and the always interesting topics and subject areas as well as our motivated and reliable colleagues for their accurate, high-quality work on these complex translation and revision processes.


Selection (subject areas):

Acoustics, Aerospace
Building and Civil Engineering
Coatings, Colour
Entertainment Technology, Ergonomics
Fire Fighting, Food and Agricultural products
Health Technologies, Heating and Ventilation Technology
Information Technology
Laboratory Devices and Installations
Material Testing, Medicine
Organizational Processes, Optics and Precision Mechanics
Paper, board and pulps, Principles of Environmental Protection
Quality Management
Shipbuilding and Marine Technology, Sports Equipment
Tank Installations, Terminology, Textiles, Timber and Furniture
Water Practice



March: Welcome to the team!

Since February 2023, SSD has had a new team member. Our new colleague, Juliane Bormann, from now on supports us with the production and proofreading of translations as well as the coordination of our translation projects.

A warm welcome to her! We look forward to tackling many exciting projects together.